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Professional Development

Return to Happiness (RTH)

Welcome Teachers,

Thank you for your interest in joining a Return to Happiness Support Group. We are currently registering for our groups that will meet from February 29 April 11, 2024. The Return to Happiness Support Group for teachers is specially designed for Jamaican teachers, guidance counsellors, deans of discipline in an effort to offer psychosocial support to our hardworking educators.
Teachers using this link will register for support via Support Group Therapy facilitated by Master of Social Work Practicum Students from the UWI. All participants must read and agree to a confidentiality agreement to be assigned to a support group.

THIS IS NOT A TRAINING! The Return to Happiness is a personal, self-development activity implemented in a confidential space. As a result of this, there will be NO recordings, NO attendance register, NO mandatory assessment, and NO certification. It is an opportunity for learning calming exercises, mindfulness, self-care practices and maximizing self-care.

All sessions will be conducted on the weekend and teachers can sign up for the group day and time most convenient to them, once space is available. The group schedule is as follows:

Thursdays (6:00 pm-8:00 pm)

Sundays (4:00 pm-6:00 pm)

There will be a total of 6 sessions and Session 1 for the Thursday groups will begin on February 29 and March 03 for Sunday groups.

We can’t wait to work with you so continue to complete your registration now!

Registration is now full and closed